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Weight Loss: Not All Calories Are Created Equally

Not all calories were created equally, and anyone who suggests they are is quite frankly an idiot! Anyone who says that 200 calories of vegetables is the same as a 200 calorie donut is probably very over weight!
But seriously, why are they different? Well first of all stop thinking of what you are eating as being made up of calories. 
One calorie is a measurement of the approximate amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. 
Without going too much into the science behind it all it’s easier to just use calories as a guide to the amount you can consume in any given day, defined by your BMR.
There are even more factors that will affect how your body digests and uses the calories that make up, using my example above, vegetables and donuts. 
You can look at the Glycaemic Index (GI). This index is a measure of how quickly blood glucose levels rise after eating food. 
The donut will be on the high end of the GI, while the vegetables will be on the lower end (unless it’s a potato – which is in the middle). 
When you eat a high GI food you are more likely to store it as fat than lower GI, which is advertised as more of a sustained release of energy, the reason for this follows.
So using the Glycaemic Index on the example above, 200 calories of lower GI vegetables will be digested fairly slowly, providing the body with the nutritional content of the veg and giving you a sustained amount of energy. 
The 200 calorie donut will be digested very quickly, your body will therefore have a lot of energy to use very quickly, and if you’re sitting at your desk or on the sofa in front of the television the chances are your body will store it as fat.
So hopefully you know understand the difference between 200 calories of vegetables, which is a plateful for a veg like peas, and a 200 calorie donut, which will actually be fairly small, but the bigger picture? 
Well what I do is take my estimated calorie burn for the day, let’s say 2,500, and then log food into my calorie counter app. I roughly know which foods sit where on the Glycaemic Index, but you may need to refer to an online guide. 
I know that I am least active in the evening, so my dinner will be made up of medium to low GI foods, some sort of meat or Quorn, with microwave rice, and vegetables.
If I’m going to be exercising fruit or an energy gel, which is higher on the Index, will provide me with energy to perform to my potential.
So wouldn’t it be easier to just eat low GI foods? Well in my experience, anyone who does this is removing all refined sugars from their diet, which is very difficult and will lead to some pretty harsh cravings, which if you then give in to, will destroy all your hard work.
To further enhance my point about calories not being the most important thing to consider when choosing what food to eat, what about negative calorie foods? 
I will cover this topic in more detail in the following week’s but there are foods out there that are considered to force your body to use more calories breaking down the food than the food actually provides! That’s right there are foods out there that do this! More on this topic soon…
So my advice is to limit the amount of high GI foods to earlier in the day when you are more active (or later depending on when you are actually active). 
Try to eat a balanced meal made up of low to medium GI foods (meat doesn’t have a position on the Glycaemic Index as it only includes carbs). Try not to have any high GI foods before bed when your body is more likely to store the unused energy as fat.
Next week’s topic is probably what people dread the most… Exercise…
Specifically, I will be looking into the best and most effective short workouts that will maximise your chances of losing weight through dieting. 
I am under no illusion that most people simply don’t have the time to exercise, but with a couple of minutes and no equipment needed there really is no excuse!
Happy Reading!
Pav Bryan – Owner & Coach
Pav Bryan Cycling Coach
Advanced Wattbike Testing & Coaching
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Weight Loss: Not All Calories Are Created Equally

Healthier Lifestyle, Losing Weight, care, Fitting, health, Calories, diet, healthy lifestyle, Dieting, nutrition, supplements, weight loss, fit, fitness, New Lifestyle, Lose Weight

from ultimatefitnessweightlosschallenge

Destroy Calories With EPOC Training

The afterburn or EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption) is basically a measure of the oxygen you consume after a workout to return your body to its resting state. 
This breaks down to about 1 liter of oxygen consumed being equivalent to 5 calories burned; more oxygen consumed after a workout the more calories burned after a workout. 
Some research has even indicated that this calorie burn can last up to 38 hours after your workout! We all want some of that! To achieve this we have to implement 3 key variables:
1. Maintain a high intensity throughout the workout 
2. Exercise for at least 30 minutes 
3. Resistance train
Maintain a High Intensity Throughout the Workout 
This seems natural that the most important aspect of achieving a high magnitude EPOC is working out at a high to very high intensity. 
In one experiment in which participants worked out at either 85% or 45% of their 8 rep max, found the higher intensity cohort had a significantly higher EPOC after their workout was over. There are numerous studies that indicate the same thing; higher intensity workout leads to a higher EPOC.
Exercise for At Least 30 Minutes 
Secondly, to achieve a high magnitude EPOC you need to workout at least 30 minutes. The longer you workout the larger your afterburn will be. 
This can put us in a predicament because we don’t have endless time to exercise; we need to find a happy medium that allows us to achieve an afterburn in a timely manner.
This can be done in about 30 minutes. While the EPOC effect was higher for the longer exercise duration in a study by Quinn and associates (1994), those that performed the exercise for 20 and 40 minutes still achieved calorie burn after their workout was over! 
In fact, although the participants only exercised 1/3 the time (20 minutes) they still achieved over half of the EPOC effect (57%) compared to the longer exercise cohort (60 minutes).
Resistance Train 
Finally, when it comes to the best type of exercise to achieve the greatest afterburn, research indicates that resistance training is ideal. 
Not only does resistance training increase your EPOC more than any other training method, circuits are the best. 
Circuits have you resting less than 30 seconds between sets. This doesn’t give your body enough time to return to rest and you stay ramped up the entire time causing your EPOC to be larger after the workout is over!
To perform EPOC training in a timely manner, I recommend resistance training by super setting your exercises (less than 30 seconds rest between sets) for at least 30 minutes. 
This should keep your workout at a very high intensity and you will be blasting through calories 38 hours after your workout is over! Feel the burn, feel the afterburn!
Do you want more at-home fitness advice to destroy your goals? 
Visit Always Active Athletics where you will find your #1 source for at-home fitness!
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Destroy Calories With EPOC Training

healthy lifestyle, Calories, EPOC Training, Healthier Lifestyle, exercises, Training, care, health, New Lifestyle, Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption

from ultimatefitnessweightlosschallenge

Not Losing Weight? Here Are 3 Reasons That Have NOTHING To Do With Calories!

Are you dieting like mad but still not losing weight? Are you doing everything right but the pounds just won’t come off?
What’s going on?
There are several things that may be happening that can keep the pounds on – even if you’re eating a low calorie diet.
If you’re frustrated by a diet that doesn’t seem to be working, here are 3 things that could be going on that are keeping the pounds from dropping off:
#1 Sluggish Thyroid
A sluggish thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause you to gain weight and make it almost impossible to drop those pounds.
Other symptoms of slow thyroid are fatigue, hair loss, dry skin, cold intolerance, memory loss and back problems.
Even if you have a mild sluggish thyroid without a lot of these symptoms (not a serious case), you may still find it hard to lose weight.
If you suspect you may have a slow thyroid, see your doctor who can run some routine tests on you and catch this condition early on.
If serious, you can go on medication to treat it – and the weight loss issue will resolve as your thyroid improves.
You can also help support your thyroid by eating foods like kelp, eggs, salmon, sardines and strawberries.
#2 Eating At the Wrong Time of Day
This isn’t the case for everyone – but it does apply to some people. When you eat your food is sometimes just as important as how much you eat.
People who eat most of their calories before 2:00 pm tend to lose weight easier than those who eat most of their calories after 2:00 pm – even if they eat the same amount of calories.
Why? Because at night your body is winding down. It knows it doesn’t need a lot of calories – after all, you’re just sleeping!
So it tends to store more calories as fat at night. This is different than when you eat in the morning. You need those calories to get through the day, so your body is more likely to use them up instead of storing them.
Again, this doesn’t work for everyone – but if you’re not losing weight with your current diet – try this time of day eating change and see what happens!
#3 Stress Hormones Are Keeping You Fat
Have you been particularly stressed lately? Surprisingly enough stress hormones like cortisol can slow your body from burning fat.
In fact, they might even be encouraging your body to put ON fat – especially in the lower belly.
If you’re not losing weight, ask yourself if you’ve been especially stressed out about something. Then try to take steps to lower your cortisol levels. Some ways to do this are:
  • Deep breathing exercises every day
  • Meditation or prayer
  • Get a massage
  • Take a walk with a friend or loved one
  • Take an Epsom salts bath
So those are 3 things you can do if you’re not losing weight. It’s not always about calories. Take some time and be patient with yourself as you figure out what’s going on. Don’t give up on your weight loss goals – you will get there!
Karen Johnston writes about the latest home delivery diet plans at
Want more weight loss inspiration and tips? Click here to visit her weight loss blog.
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Not Losing Weight? Here Are 3 Reasons That Have NOTHING To Do With Calories!

Healthier Lifestyle, Losing Weight, care, health, Foods, Calories, diet, healthy lifestyle, Dieting, nutrition, supplements, weight loss, fit, fitness, New Lifestyle, Lose Weight

from ultimatefitnessweightlosschallenge

How Many Calories Do I Really Need to Burn at the Gym?

Here’s a quick tutorial on finding out how to find your target body weight. It looks a bit complicated, but keep in mind that you only have to do this twice. 
The first time is now. The second time is after you’ve hit your target weight to make sure you haven’t had any significant muscle loss and to further tweak your body to its desired shape and size.
It’s calculated based on three numbers: your Body-Fat Percentage (“BFP”), your Target Body-Fat Percentage (“TBFP”), and your Lean Muscle Mass (“LMM”). 
You can find out your BFP by getting it checked at your gym. Most gyms offer this service for free as part of a complimentary personal training introductory course. 
Take advantages of those perks! Once you’ve found out your BFP, you can calculate your LMM by going to a website that provides free LMM calculators. Once you have these two numbers, you are well on your way to figuring out your target weight.
Next, pick your TBFP. Keep in mind the following while choosing. Bodybuilders get down to 3% for competitions, but that’s unhealthy and can’t be maintained for any substantial period of time. 
A guy will start seeing his abs at 12%, but can get away with having up to 20% without looking too bulky. Anything over 20% is fair game to melt into oblivion. 
Pick a number that feels reasonable. Multiply that percentage by your current weight in order to get a number we will call your “Target Fat In Lbs.” 
Add that number to your LMM. This is your ideal weight, assuming you retain all of the muscle mass on your body.
When you hit your ideal weight, start eating 100% of your daily caloric expenditure, no more, no less. Do the calculation above once more; just to make sure you are at your TBFP. 
Keep in mind that if you decide to reduce your daily caloric intake by more than what I’ve recommended above or if you decide to skip out on strength training, you will lose muscle mass along with the fat and that is no good. 
Keep within the caloric limits and don’t forget to lift! That’s the only way to ensure that you’ll truly reach your gym goals.
All of this work isn’t so that you’ll be the most ripped person in the world. It’s all designed to make sure that an out of shape body won’t distract people from what you have to say. 
It’s not about being the best. It’s about crossing that threshold. Your personality was, is, and always will be your greatest asset.
Getting in shape isn’t easy. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Fortunately, the hard part is the preparation, not the workouts in the gym. 
The first thing you should do is get butt naked and stand in front of the mirror. This is usually the hardest part for everyone. 
When proud people get in front of the mirror, they twist and contort themselves and use the right lighting until they are happy with that one angle. 
This isn’t a real examination of one’s body. Leave the posing for the pictures, guys. This exercise is in humility and is meant to actually get to know oneself. 
The trick is getting in front of the mirror without twisting and contorting. Use regular light. Have another mirror on hand so that you can see yourself backwards as well, standing regularly in a relaxed posture.
Don’t be afraid of your reflection. It’s just the physical manifestation of your internal thought processes. Make a list of the top 5 things you like about your body. 
Next, make a list of the top 5 things you don’t like about your body. Post the list of things that you like in a highly visible area next to the mirror so that every time you see yourself, you automatically think of what you like about yourself.
Now take the list of things you don’t like and examine it. How many of things on the list are things that you can’t change, like height? 
Cross those items off. If you’ve crossed off more than three items, then you probably have a problem accepting the reality of your existence. 
You will have to come to terms with those sorts of insecurities before you can ever hope to unlock your inner swag. 
Accepting things that you cannot change is the most important part of this entire process. Get another piece of paper or sticky pad. 
Transform each of the crossed off items on the list into the following format, write them down, and speak them before bed every night:
“I’m ________ (whatever the crossed off item is). I am going to dominate anyway.”
This is an excerpt from The Adonis Code, by B. Pope. For the full book, go to the following links:
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How Many Calories Do I Really Need to Burn at the Gym?

healthy lifestyle, Calories, Healthier Lifestyle, nutrition, supplements, care, Burn at the Gym, health, fitness, fit, New Lifestyle, Gym

from ultimatefitnessweightlosschallenge

Know The Number of Calories You Need

Almost everything you eat or drink has calories, which are a measurement of energy released in your body when you metabolize food. 
You need to consume a certain number of calories to be able to lose weight or maintain the current weight. For weight loss to be achieved you should burn more calories than you consume. 
Like many others, I know you are wondering: how many calories do I need to lose weight?
The amount of calories you need is determined by these factors: physical activity, gender, age, height and weight.
Determine your Basal Metabolic Rate 
This is the daily energy the body needs for every organ to perform its functions properly. It will tell you how many calories you need in order to maintain your current weight. 
You will need to cut down or burn the excess calories that the body doesn’t need to perform its functions.
Your basal metabolic rate is determined by your age, sex, weight and height.
How to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate
Women: 655 + (4.3x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)
Men: 66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)
This equation is only applicable to adults. It’s very accurate unless a person is very muscular.
Determine your Level of activity
After you have calculated the number of calories the body needs to function, you need to know your level of activity.
For sedentary people, meaning those who don’t engage in any exercise through the day, multiply the Basal Metabolic Rate by 20%. 
If you engage in simple exercises, or you are slightly active, multiply your Basal Metabolic Rate by 30%. For people who are active for most days, multiply your Basal Metabolic Rate by 40 percent and if you are very active, multiply your Basal Metabolic Rate by 50%. 
Add what you get to your Basal Metabolic Rate, the result is the number of calories you need to consume to maintain your current weight.
How many calories do I need to lose weight?
To shed those extra pounds, consume fewer calories than what you need to maintain your current weight. For healthy weight loss set a goal of losing one to two pounds a week. 
A pound is equivalent to 3500 calories. You can break it down to losing 500 to 1000 calories per day.
Never consume less than 1200 calories a day without consulting a doctor.
It is advisable to keep a journal; this will help you track the amount calories you consume and burn per day.
For total success to be achieved in losing weight, there are things you MUST learn, understand then implement. This free guide details all the information needed for a successful weight loss. 
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Know The Number of Calories You Need

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from ultimatefitnessweightlosschallenge

Stop Counting Calories

Food shouldn’t be about math. It should be about pleasure and nourishment. More calories doesn’t always lead to weight gain.
Diets low in calories are very hard to stay on. People in all walks of life struggle with weight control. Obesity and type 2 diabetes are two of the major health problems of our time. 
Could the? of all Americans either overweight or obese all be gluttonous and lazy? No. Is something inherently wrong with the calorie model? Yes.
Don’t ask “how many calories,” ask “what does this food do for me.” Don’t live in a fairytale, pretending that calories don’t count. Its just that our health is more complex than the amount of calories something contains.
Technically, a calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree celsius. We don’t use calories like this. 
How many calories we actually absorb depends on several factors like the type of food, preparation methods, gut bacteria, and the energy used for digestion.
All calories are not created equally.
Have you ever noticed that when you eat steak you’re full for more hours than if you eat pizza. This is because proteins take longer to digest than carbohydrates regardless of calorie count. Proteins burn 15-20% more calories in the digestion, absorption, and disposal of nutrients.
The type of food changes how many calories we absorb. Studies have shown that the calorie content listed for almonds is 32% higher than what we actually absorb. So we only use a small amount of the calories given on the label.
Limiting calories often means that we limit healthy fats simply because they have more calories, without taking into consideration the benefits.
Fat doesn’t make you fat. (good fats: grassfed butter, ghee, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, olive oil… )
Your body craves and needs fat. Lack of dietary fat/cholesterol can result in a number of issues like a lack of energy, dysregulated hormones, depression, and anxiety.
When we give our body the types of food we are meant to eat, it does the rest.
100 calories of fresh fruits and vegetables and 100 calories of processed sugar are very different. Artificial sugar and ingredients don’t send the same fullness signals to the brain as whole foods. 
This makes it easy to overeat without realizing it. Eating nutritious whole foods makes you unlikely to overeat.
Fullness is subtle. It takes 20 minutes for your gut to tell your brain you are full. It involves a vague sense that you don’t want anything else to eat, and it can be ignored accidentally.
Don’t Stress
Have you ever eaten more calories than you were allotted during the day? Then you feel stressed out and depressed? If so, STOP.
Stress is directly linked to weight gain. Eat the unhealthy things you love on occasion and fully enjoy them!
Just make them the exception not the norm. Enjoy your meals, without the stress.
Many emotions can make people crave food when their bodies really don’t need it. Break these habits by dealing with the slipups while they happen or right after. 
You can stop an episode in its tracks by becoming aware of it and not beating yourself up for it.
Don’t count calories for a healthier relationship with food. Don’t turn the wonderful act of eating into a math equation.
Focus on the quality of your calories, not the quantity.
If you want to learn more about healthy living visit the Opportuniteas blog
In addition to this article get quality up to date information on all kinds of health issues by visiting
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Stop Counting Calories

care, health, Calories, diet, Dieting, nutrition, supplements, Stop Counting Calories, weight loss, fit, fitness, New Lifestyle, Lose Weight

from ultimatefitnessweightlosschallenge

Weight Loss Isn’t Just About The Calories

The trouble with science is that it has no soul.
It says if you do this and this and this, then that will always happen.
That’s what happens when science gets involved with weight loss – it says if you eat this many calories and burn this many calories then what’s left turns into this much fat.
I’m not suggesting that this isn’t true, but it isn’t as true as it seems because what you burn isn’t just about physical activity. 
A supremely fit athlete burns many more calories just sitting watching TV than someone who is overweight and covered in flabby muscles and fat.
It does seem a little unfair though, doesn’t it? Imagine two people sitting on the couch next to each other watching TV. 
One is covered in muscle, the other is covered in fat. The muscley one is getting thinner just sitting there, while the fat one is getting fatter just sitting there.
Why is this?
Muscle tissues needs energy just to live and breathe. Muscle burns calories just by existing. Fat just sits there. Of course in order to maintain that muscle, physical exercise needs to take place. 
The more exercise you engage in, the more muscle you build, the higher your metabolic rate, and the more calories you burn.
Of course science likes to deal with numbers, and you want to know how many calories going to the kitchen for a snack is going to burn.
1lb of fat converts to 3500 Calories (that’s big C Kilocalories for the scientists). This is great news because all you have to do in order to lose 1lb a week consistently is burn 500Cals a day more than you eat.
So how easily can you do that?
Moderate walking (3mph) burns about 250 Calories an hour; birdwatching 140; dusting 180; golf 350; Cycling (easy, less than 10mph) 300; yoga 300; gentle skipping with rope 600; cross country walking 470; swimming breaststroke 800; weight lifting/body building 470; and housework 250.
You don’t need to join a gym to burn calories. You just need to move. But you need to move daily and consistently and for at least an hour. Remember, that Mars bar is going to take two hours walking to pretend it never happened.
But that’s just the sums that scientists like to do. You see when you do that hour of yoga, hour of housework, or hour of walking every day, you build muscle tissue. 
When you build muscle tissue your metabolic rate goes up and your resting heart rate lowers. So over time, you burn more calories during the day and so your weight loss increases rather than drops – for the same effort. 
You also get fitter, your body shape moves in the direction that you desire, and your endorphin levels increase. This means you feel happier, more alive, and more interested in enjoying life rather than spending it watching mind numbingly boring TV shows. 
When your body feels fit and well, you are quite naturally and effortlessly attracted to healthier foods, and the fats and sugars that used to fill your plate gradually drift away. 
No resistance, no battle, no struggle, just a gentle natural movement towards foods that you enjoy.
It isn’t just about Calories. It’s about you feeling good. You achieve that by making a conscious choice now to move a little more today than you did yesterday and to make that same choice tomorrow, and the next day, and…
Michael Hadfield, author of ‘How to Lose Weight Easily’, has been helping people to lose weight for around 14 years. 
If you want to find out more about this approach and how to lose weight easily without having to endure the restrictions of a diet then visit
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Weight Loss Isn’t Just About The Calories

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from ultimatefitnessweightlosschallenge

The Secret Key To Losing Weight Without Having To Count Calories

Weight loss, to many people, seems impossible and can be very frustrating but there is one simple step that you can take today that is like a secret key to losing weight and it’s one of the most simplest things you can do.
When you decide that you’re going to lose weight, very often, the first thing you decide is that you’re not going to eat certain foods based on the number of calories that they contain or the amount of fat in them. 
And it’s this decision that will get you off on the wrong foot and often leads you to giving up on your diet plan.
Calorie counting, as part of any diet plan, is quite hard to do for a number of reasons but it’s mainly because you don’t know for sure exactly how many calories you should be consuming on a daily or weekly basis. 
Everyone is different and calorie counting isn’t a one size fits all solution for losing weight.
Depending upon how active you are will also determine how many calories your body uses for energy and if you consume more calories than your body uses then you’ll gain weight. 
So you need to find the right balance of making sure there are enough calories in your diet to provide your body with enough energy and not too many so that it stores the excess calories as fat.
It’s easy to see why so many calorie counting diets fail due to people just giving up but there is a much easier way to lose weight than this.
The real secret to easy weight loss is to simply reduce the amount of sugar that’s currently in your diet. It sounds so simple that many people simply dismiss it. 
You may already not add sugar to drinks such as tea or coffee but that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sugar in your diet.
Today we live in a world where we can buy all of our meals pre-packaged and ready to cook without us needing to prepare any of the ingredients. 
It’s a world of convenience but with this comes ignorance and it’s that ignorance that’s causing the problems.
You may not realize it but just about every food item that you buy contains sugar in one form or another and because of this it’s very easy to consume more sugar than is healthy for you.
Sugar provides your body with zero nutritional benefit and contains nothing but calories which is why you must control how much sugar is in your diet. 
Once you are able to manage this you’ll find that weight loss simply happens all by itself without you having to count calories.
All it takes is for you to be pro-active when it comes to checking the list of ingredients and nutritional values of the foods you eat. 
A quick check on the label of any foods will alert you to the sugar levels it contains and you must be aware of this level if you want to lose weight without having to count calories.
As soon as you have the amount of sugar in your diet limited to the government’s recommendations you’ll find the weight just seems to drop off you. 
When I first tried this I lose over 5 lbs in the first 7 days and I didn’t pay any attention to how many calories I was eating simply because choosing food that is low in sugar automatically takes care of the calorie counting.
It’s such a simple method of losing weight I am surprised that more people aren’t aware of it already but those who are know what a positive impact it’s had on their lives and health.
Michael Sherriff had been a sugar addict for more than 30 years and was 42lbs overweight before discovering that by cutting out excess sugar from his diet was the simple key to weight loss. 
Michael lost over 5lbs in the first 7 days just by cutting out excess sugar from his diet.
Instead of counting calories he simply reduced the amount of sugar in his diet and the weight literally just fell off without any exercise.
Go to Micheal’s website at where he shares more tips and advice about this simple weight loss tactic. 
Anyone can do this to lose weight and without having to worry about the calories.
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The Secret Key To Losing Weight Without Having To Count Calories

diet, Calories, nutrition, Losing Weight Without Having To Count Calories, Losing Weight, lifestyle, supplements, care, weight loss, health, fitness

from ultimatefitnessweightlosschallenge