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4 Good To Know Facts About Tribulus Terrestris

Made from a plant from which it got its name, Tribulus Terrestris is just one of the many supplements made to help address certain health issues. 
It is known among athletes because it is said to increase muscle mass and improve performance. Moreover, here are good to know facts about the supplement.
1. Its active ingredient is protodioscin.
Protodioscin is a compound that has been found to help increase testosterone levels in the body. 
The reason for this is that it elevates the levels of luteinizing hormones (LH), which are essential for reproduction. 
What they do is stimulate the gonads – the testes for males and ovaries for females.
2. It may improve libido or sexual drive.
Since Tribulus Terrestris is high in protodioscin, it may improve sexual drive. 
Thus, it is beneficial for those who experience low sex drive, which is usually caused by low testosterone levels. It also may also trigger the release of nitric oxide, which is the reason why it is said to help treat erectile dysfunction. 
This is because nitric oxide helps support penile erection by increasing blood flow to the muscles.
3. It may be used as an alternative to synthetic anabolic steroids.
Those who aim to increase their muscle mass and improve their performance, especially the athletes, may use the supplement instead of synthetic anabolic steroids, which have been found to have physical and psychological side effects.
4. The recommended dosage of Tribulus Terrestris is 1000 mg per day. 
Moreover, it is contraindicated against individuals who are below eighteen years old, pregnant, or nursing. 
Those who have known medical conditions are advised to consult their health care provider first before taking the supplement.
Take charge of your health. 
Get only the highest quality health supplements you need from Choice Nutrition Supplements.
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4 Good To Know Facts About Tribulus Terrestris

diet, Facts About Tribulus Terrestris, nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, weight loss, health, Facts, fitness, Tribulus Terrestris, 4 Good To Know Facts About Tribulus Terrestris

from ultimatefitnessweightlosschallenge

6 Good To Know Facts About Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is one of the B complex vitamins. You need it for several processes in your body, and not having enough of it poses a serious threat to your health.

Despite its importance for the health, it is often misunderstood. Here are some good to know facts about it.

1. It cannot be made by the body. Thus, you can only get it from your diet or through supplementation.

It cannot be found in plant foods unless they are fortified, though. It can only be found in animal foods and products, such as meat, clams, eggs, and milk.

Thus, vegans may be at risk of not having enough levels of it in their bodies.

2. It is needed for the formation of red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body.

Moreover, not having sufficient levels of Vitamin B12 is associated with pernicious anemia.

People who have pernicious anemia are not able to produce intrinsic factor, which is needed for the absorption of the vitamin.

3. It is needed for the maintenance of the nervous system. This is because it is essential for the building of myelin sheaths, which protect the nerves from getting damaged.

In fact, deficiency of the vitamin may lead to irreversible nerve damage.

4. People who take PPIs (proton-pump inhibitors) and metformin are at risk of having deficiency of the vitamin because they affect control stomach acid production; sufficient levels of stomach acid are needed for the absorption of the vitamin.

PPIs are prescribed to treat stomach ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), while metformin is prescribed to treat diabetes.

5. The elderly are also at risk of not having sufficient levels of the vitamin, which may be caused by their decreased ability to absorb it and their diet.

6. The common symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency include swollen and inflamed tongue, weakness, fatigue, tingling and numbness of the hands and feet, and memory loss.

Take charge of your health. Get only the highest quality health supplements you need from Choice Nutrition Supplements.

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6 Good To Know Facts About Vitamin B12

diet, nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, weight loss, Vitamin B12, health, Facts, fitness, 6 Good To Know Facts About Vitamin B12

from ultimatefitnessweightlosschallenge